If you need to go to the Post Office in East Gwillimbury, you can go to these locations:
1598 Queensville Side Rd, Queensville, ON L0G 1R0
19446 Yonge St, Holland Landing, ON L9N 1A0

and Side Rd, 1604 Mt Albert Rd, Sharon, ON L0G 1V0.
We went to the Post Office in Holland Landing. The Canada Post employee smiled in a friendly way. She explained that we would save money using these boxes instead of packages to mail a birthday present to another city in Canada. They are called flat rate boxes.

I noticed an especially eye-catching set of stamps that Canada Post is now offering. They are called snow mammals. You can learn more about the dynamic snow mammal stamps here. Described this way on the Canada Post website, the stamps “feature stunning photographs of five Canadian mammals – the ermine, snowshoe hare, Arctic fox, Peary caribou and northern collared lemming.
Their coats moult from lighter-weight shades of brown or grey in warmer months to a heavier-weight white in winter, giving them effective camouflage and increasing their odds of survival.”
After receiving my tracking receipt, I left the post office to carry on with the day.
It was a bright, cold, early spring day in the afternoon. Outside Canada Post, the Canadian flag blew in the wind – a symbol of stalwartness… just like the Post Office.